Saturday, February 26, 2011

About me...

I am Elias I E Fashho
From the day I was born, I was that intelligent boy interacting with everyone around me and attracting them to me. I entered school when I was five years old, and through the whole studying years at primary, preparatory, and secondary school I was the head of my class.

After I had finished school studies with 98.1 GPA, I joined the Islamic University of Gaza to study Engineering, and because of my interests I decided to study Computer Engineering. Computer Engineering is a very large field to study since everyday you have new things appear in that field and you must be up-to-date with all of these things to be in the lead. Among studying and working..... studying....working... and doing a lot of projects, that I will present here in the near future, doing a lot of successful presentations and a lot of exams till few weeks before, I have graduated and have been granted the Bachelor degree in Computer Engineering with a very good grade.

In addition to my studies I am a leader in a scouting group called the Arab Orthodox Scout of Gaza (AOSG) which is the biggest scouting group in Gaza Strip. I joined this group since I was a cup scout when I was 10 years old, and I have been promoted regularly according to my hard work in scouting camps or in volunteering in lots of fields till I was certified as a leader in 2003 after having the required courses and became the leader of boy scouts. Until now the group has many activities ,which I will show here, hoping to be bigger and bigger to contribute in Scouting Movement around the world.

According to my religion I am Christian and I am an intoner in our church here in Gaza which is Church of Saint Porphyrius, and also a teacher in the Sunday School in the same church. Saint Porphyrius was born in the city of Thessaloniki, Greece, 347. He visited Gaza in 395 AD accompanied by a "Deacon Mark" who wrote the life history of this Saint. It took five years to build this church and it was built in 407 AD, so it is a very old church, I may put some pictures of it here. 

Now I am searching for a temporary work till finding a scholarship to study Master degree.
I hope you find useful materials here in my blog to start working or to help you with a specific problem.

Best regards

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